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Rokop Security _ Schutzprogramme _ outpost version 7.6 final

Geschrieben von: wert33 26.10.2012, 19:38


version 7.6 final ist da


Geschrieben von: Kurt W 26.10.2012, 21:39

Irgendwie hast du da den falschen Link erwischt. wink.gif

Ich denke du wolltest folgenden posten:



Outpost Security Suite Pro 7.6 (3984.645.1842)
Release date: October 26, 2012
The following improvements have been made:

Windows 8 support: general drivers support
Windows 8 support: blocking of infected Metro applications
Capabilities of suspicious files detection and sending them for analysis are extended
Windows Action Center support is improved
Processing of IPv6 addresses is improved
ICMPv6 support in firewall rules names
Logs are moved from the product folder into the common Application Data folder
Blockpost module operation in suspended protection mode is improved

The following issues have been fixed:

Issues with torrent clients are fixed (zero connections, slow-downs, freezes)
Attack Detection issues are fixed, reaction logic in case of multiple attackers is improved
BSOD’s caused by network applications operation in fast networks are fixed
Blocking and freezing issues caused by the content filtering mechanism are fixed
Low-level rules priority issues are fixed

Gruß Kurt

Geschrieben von: wert33 26.10.2012, 21:50

ups danke wurde geändert

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